Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Elements of art

This photo of a vases shows the different line patterns and tuscan colors.
A light durning the end of a sunset is showing contrast.
A picture of a rose shows the different values taken place.
This picture of a rock shows texture. The colors show a roughness to it.
This is a statue and it shows form.
These flowers have a vibrant purple and texture.
A garden light found in my front yard shows the roundness of this decoration.


Principles of Design

 This photo resembles unity because it gives off a sense of completeness.
This tile pattern shows a predictable rhythm.
The movement of the children exemplifies motion.

This black and white photo shows balance because it has two vases on each side of the candle.

This tiny chilly was found in my mothers garden. I think it shos emphasis on the red color. Everything around it is green making the chily look vibrant.